Friday, September 9, 2011

Fresh Fish and a new Gluten Free Recipe Magazine

We were lucky enough to get some fresh caught the night before down Eden way...
so keep it nice and simple I covered it with some lemons from a neighbour (she gives the away every year as she can't stand them...lucky for us!!!)
Into the oven for a little while...
but the most exciting part...

is this magazine (purchased the day we got the fish) by Rick Grant...Rick also makes frozen pastry which our local supermarket did stock for a while but now out of stock...
apparently it is coming back and I'm hanging out for it!!!

Low-fat Potato Wedges!!!
All very simple...coat the wedges with cumin, paprika, parsley, thyme, some breadcrumbs, a bit of oil...
whatever herb you like...and you're on your way!!!
Serve with some Greek style yogurt, chilli sauce...
so delicious I forgot to take a pic!!!

Bon Appetit...Dzintra

1 comment:

  1. My DD Kit is now on gluten free diet so I will get this magazine for her and one of our tour member is also on gluten free diet so will definitely get it - thanks for sharing - Hugs Nat
